
Congratulations, you just found the right page for you!

This is

René Gerlsma's Art Page Part 5.

In this gallery you can admire some of my latest works.

Dali1.jpg (58312 bytes)

Dali in time

Part of 65 x 60 cm
(37 k JPG file)
dali2.jpg (48 kb)

Three in the pan

Part of 60 x 65 cm
(48 k JPG file)

Make now a reservation for one or more paintings. Don't hesitate to ask for the very sharp prices: just send an email to René Gerlsma (renegerl@xs4all.nl)
Also if you like to expose your own work in this gallery.

Don't forget to sign my guestbook

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Webmaster: René Gerlsma (renegerl@xs4all.nl)